Group Classes: Because You're Not Alone On This Journey

We offer a variety of classes and services to help you ensure your pregnancy goes well and your delivery goes smoothly. And because pregnancy is the easy part ;-) we're here to help you prepare for the lifetime to follow.

Classes are offered at: St. Jacobs Midwives (Waterloo), Kitchener Waterloo Midwifery Associates (Kitchener), Guelph Midwives, Cambridge Midwives, and private one-on-one classes can also be arranged.

Wanting a waterbirth? Also renting Labour and Birth Tubs and LABs (Labour Aid Boxes).
  • Tub rentals include: La Bassine and Birth Tub in a Box Regular or Mini


Cheque: Please make cheques payable to Rebecca Serroul and send to: Tummies to Toes, 17 Bismark Ave, Kitchener ON N2H 5S6

Etransfers: send to

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40 Weeks to Deliver: Birth Preparation Classes

This hands-on course prepares expectant parents for the arrival of their little one. Classes focus on explaining what to expect in birth, choices within childbirth, and the first six weeks postpartum.

Topics include:

  • preparing for birth
  • your child's birth and measures to make you comfortable
  • cheat sheet for your partner and support people
  • pain medications and medical interventions
  • Cesarean births (VBAC classes are available on request)
  • basic baby care
  • breastfeeding and troubleshooting

Classes are offered in two different formats:

  • A 3-night course (6-9pm)
  • An intense weekend course (Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 1pm-5pm).
  • Classes are offered in Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Elora, Kitchener and on Zoom as a virtual class.

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Peas in a Pod: Classes for Multiples

These interactive, hands-on classes are designed for parents expecting more than one baby. It is a 10-hour course that prepares parents for birthing and caring for two or more little ones.

Topics include:

  • preparing for a multiple birth
  • preterm labour
  • birthing options
  • comfort measures in labour and delivery
  • postpartum adjustments
  • breast- and formula-feeding
  • basic baby care
  • community resources

Partners and other support people are strongly encouraged to come to every class. This is a hands-on course. If you are on bed-rest, please contact me regarding a private class.

For details call 519.571.9743 or email

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Baby Food for Beginners

Yummy! Lets make some baby food!

In this 2-hour course, we will learn about how to make and store baby food. Baby Food for Beginners is offered on a one-to-one basis in your home. We will explore many different ways to prepare baby food. Everything is supplied (except a stove)! A booklet of recipes and dietary recommendations is included with the class. Partners, support people, and babies are welcome.

Cost: $100.00 (only private)

To set up a private class call 519.571.9743 or email

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Massage Me: Learning Baby Massage

Touching your baby is a great way to bond with your baby.

This course offers different massage techniques to comfort, relax, and play with your little one. Massage Me includes one-to-one instruction, an information booklet, and massage oil. Partners and support people welcome.

Cost: $65.00 (private classes only)

To set up a private class call 519.571.9743 or email

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